sunshine, daisies, butter mellow

My despicable, reprehensible, conflabbed camera cord is officially and irrevocably M.I.A. which kind of puts a damper on the show and tell thing I try to do here.

So here’s what happened today that you won’t get to see:

I finished my eye mask so sleeping days after I get off work at 7AM isn’t such a pain in the ass.  It has buttons.  It’s adorable.  It taught me how to make tiny stitches by hand and not complain so much.

When I finished microsims (a computer program that gives you your very own Emergency Room to play with and patients to stabilize) I went “shopping” at Wal-Mart.  I bought a lot of stuff I probably didn’t NEED need.

I got geraniums and gerbera daises and double impatiens for the empty flower pots that have been on our porch for months.  Now our porch isn’t such an eyesore.  Yaaaay.  Our neighbors are happy again!

My roommate has an adorable dress that is sort of a daisy yellow that has inspired me to be on the lookout for one of my own.  I almost got a strapless maxi for super cheap on, but they took it off before I could complete the sale.  BOOOO.  So when I was at WallyWorld I saw a white sundress and I craaaaved it in yellow.  So I went to HoLo and got some lemon yellow RIT dye and went to town.  I really wish you could see the picture of this in particular because in my big soup pot it looked kind of like Egg Drop Soup and I started craving chinese.  Mmmmm.  I left it in a little too long and now it is most definitely a lemon yellow and I ended up buying it a size too big so I’ll have to make a little alteration, but other than that I LOVE IT.  Just what I needed to get into the summer feeling.  I wore it out with my copper chainmail earrings and bronze sandals.  Love Love Love.

Anyway, before I spend too much time rhapsodizing I absolutely MUST get ready for work.

Adieu and goodnight!


2 thoughts on “sunshine, daisies, butter mellow

  1. If your camera uses a standard SD memory card, there are little transfer “flashdrive” things you can buy that will let you put your card into it and add stuff on your computer just like a flashdrive. Since I got mine, I don’t even know, nor care where my camera cords are.

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